Gowns for Grads

I can’t wait to write here about Gowns for Grads, because grad season is fast approaching. I actually just heard about this today, and I can’t pass up the opportunity to let you all know about it. I wish I had known about it sooner.
Something we don’t always stop to think about is the fact that many girls graduating from high school are from low-income families. What happens when it comes time to attend their graduation banquet when they can’t afford a dress, shoes, or a bag? A lot of girls unfortunately skip this major life event for lack of these things, and that’s just not cool with me. These girls worked really hard to graduate and they deserve to go! So what’s to be done?
Gowns for Grads was started just for this reason. They accept donations of gently used grad dresses, shoes, and bags, and donate them to these deserving young women so they have something to wear to their grad banquets. It’s a great cause and if you have an old grad dress or other formal gown of your own taking up space in your closet I highly suggest you consider making a donation. If you’re not in Winnipeg, try to find a similar program in your area because I’m sure this isn’t the only one like it. Now how’s THAT for fashion making you feel good?

For more information visit http://www.gownsforgrads.org/

5 comments on “Gowns for Grads

  1. Angela says:

    Hey this is a good idea… So how do you get in contact witht hese people then

  2. Angela says:

    alrighty.. sounds good

  3. Wanda Agar says:

    There is now a “Gowns for Grads” Charity in Cambridge, Ontario (1 hour from Toronto) for those in need.
    To contact: gowns4gradscambridge@gmail.com
    Wanda – Founder 2009

  4. Victoria Black says:

    I did notice that a few were arriving to this post by searching for more affordable grad/formal dresses in Winnipeg. May I also suggest the Le Chateau outlets? One is in St. James, I believe there’s another on Regent. I found one there myself for 30$! Not more than a year out of season, and brand new. It’s a fantastic place to go for all kinds of mainstream fashionable clothes at thrift store prices.

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